Thursday, December 18, 2008

Helen Hartzo - Early Childhood Director

I just finished reading “Just Courage” by Gary Haugen. In his book, Gary shares a story about a trip to the mountains he took with his Dad and brothers. It was the last “BIG” hike of the trip and he had no desire to hike – he was tired and worn out! Gary finally convinced his Dad into letting him stay at the visitor’s center. At first, it was a lot of fun hanging out at the center but as the day went on it became increasingly boring and “safe”. His Dad and brothers came back tired but excited and had many adventuresome stories to share of their final hike. Gary said he went on the journey, but missed out on the adventure along the way.

Some of my most favorite times have been hiking in the mountains of Colorado, especially the Thanksgiving Mike and I and the kids spent in the mountains, in a log cabin near Durango. Even though horseback riding is not my most favorite thing to do, we all went on the voyage! However, Amy and Cherish’s horses decided to run away! We wanted to get a family photo to memorialize the event and our guide kept getting us to back up and back up to the edge of the cliff for a “great picture”. The kids kept looking behind them because we were just inches away from the edge! Needless to say, we were all were glad that we survived the horse riding adventure and for the great memories it created for us. The kids still say that this was their favorite family vacation.

Even in Texas there are some small mountains (big hills) to climb, (like Lost Maples National Park in the Hill Country)…but even those small mountain journeys can turn into big adventures when we take that step of faith.

I know that sometimes it may seem easier to be indecisive and not make a definite decision. But if I had not of made a choice I would have missed out on the adventure God had for my family and me -even when it seems like sometimes it is not going to work out or looks hopeless. Taking that step of faith (courage) and trusting God to see it through, is like stepping out of the visitor’s center (or agreeing to go horseback riding) and continuing the journey with God - all the way. What about you? Are you ready to settle in at the “visitor’s center” in your journey or continue on the adventure God has for you? I know that I don’t want to settle… I want all that God has for me. What’s next God?

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